
New York, New York, United States


Use this to calculate ANOVA

Use this to translate gene identifier

Use EXCEL to add color to updowngene.txt and use this to get it in pathway (colored)

I'm thinking about use pathway data and microarray data to form an automatic functional genetic discoverer. (use the same algorithm I do for Dr. Gu)


for researcher M.S.Chang
these tools might help.

String http://string.embl.de/
input sequence, get "predict functional associations proteins/genes"
supported by microarray, textmining, Co-occurrence, etc.

IntAct http://www.ebi.ac.uk/intact/index.html
input gene, it will give you proteins interact with the given gene.
supported by Experiments.

input sequence, it will give you putative domain interactions
for example, it will give you some domains which has complexes with domain in given sequence (derived from PDB), or has protein interactions with domain in given sequence (derived from DIP).

after visit Mackay memorial hospital (in Taiwan)
I done some research on Database of Interacting Proteins (DIP)
ex: I want to know what proteins interact with P53
enter P53 in NodeID or Name field in this page
you will get DIP nodes for p53 in human and mouse
(DIP:368N, DIP:369N, DIP:5978N, DIP:24202N, etc)
in each DIP node, you can click on the "graph" link at top right corner
you'll see what other proteins interact with P53.

it also provides links to related information in
PDB, NCBI, Prosite, Smart, InterPro databases.

another one similar to this