
New York, New York, United States


如何操作 Google Glass 的網路瀏覽功能和操作類似游標的東西

Google Glass 只有一個 touchpad, 而且 根據網路上的說明, 大多數只用到前後滑動來做選擇. 往下滑動是退回上一層.
這樣的話 沒有滑鼠功能 要怎麼上網呢? 要怎麼控制游標上下左右來點你想要的link呢?

1) 用 OK Glass, Google 來幫我找到我要的 website, 比如說 " OK Glass, Google Youtube" 就可以找到 youtube 的網站.
2) 進去後 前後滑動可以用來控制上下捲動畫面. 但我們要怎麼控制上下左右呢?
3) 同時用兩根手指 按住 touchpad 幾秒, 直到畫面中央跳出虛線圓圈 (兩指不要放開喔!), 這時候 移動頭部, 就會看到整個畫面開始隨著頭部的移動而跟著上下左右移動.
4) 移動到畫面中央的虛線圓圈對準了你要按的地方, 單指 tap 一下 touchpad, 即可點擊該處.

PS: 本技巧是在 Google Glass 2 (XE11) 上測試的.

How to browse a website in Google Glass? If you don't have bluetooth keyboard/touchpad, you can use build-in control in Google Glass, here's how!
I use "OK Glass, Google" to find the website I want to browse, and you can roll forward and backward to scroll up and down the page, but here's how you can control up/down/left/right using your head!
While you are browsing the web page, hold your two fingers on the toughpad at the same time for few seconds, a dot circle will appear, while holding your two fingers, move your head to control the screen! Use the dot circle to aim the link you want to click, and tap the touchpad to click the link, that's it.
This trick has been tested on my Google Glass 2 (XE11).
